🎙️Coworking Values Podcast
Coworking Values Podcast
The Future of Marketing is Community with Mark Schaefer

The Future of Marketing is Community with Mark Schaefer

🔑 Community is the key with Salto Systems

In this episode, Bernie talks with marketing expert, author, and educator Mark Schaefer, someone he's been learning from for over 15 years. 

Mark shares practical insights from his latest book, Belonging to the Brand: Why Community is the Last Great Marketing Strategy.

He discusses how micro and small businesses, including coworking spaces, can harness the power of community to be seen, build trust, and create lasting connections. 

Mark's mix of real-world marketing experience and academic expertise makes this conversation particularly useful for anyone looking to grow a business through authentic human connections.

Throughout this episode, Mark emphasises that the future of marketing isn't in traditional advertising or digital tactics but in building genuine human connections. 

This is a can't-miss episode for anyone passionate about coworking, community management, and independent business success.

Key Questions Covered:

  • How have online communities evolved since the early days of the internet?

  • What key mistakes did companies make when building online communities in the past?

  • Why is a community the next big marketing strategy, especially for small businesses?

  • What are the most effective ways to grow a community organically?

  • How can coworking spaces and small businesses maintain community values despite larger competitors?

Timeline Summary

  • [01:52] - Mark shares his journey of being a "teacher" through various mediums like blogging, speaking, and consulting.

  • [04:29] - Mark recounts the rise and fall of early internet communities and how technological improvements reignited the community conversation.

  • [06:18] - The COVID pandemic has accelerated the need for genuine, human-centred marketing and community-based business models.

  • [09:29] - Exploring the misconception that community success depends on large numbers, with insights on smaller, more engaged groups.

  • [15:47] - Bernie and Mark discuss the importance of organic advocacy over digital advertising for coworking spaces.

  • [20:17] - Who owns your brand: the business, the community, or the people who experience it? Mark answers this age-old question.

  • [28:38] - Mark shares a case study of a local jewellery store using community engagement to compete with larger chain stores.

  • [33:05] - How building a personal brand helps launch and sustain community efforts for small businesses.

Detailed Episode Breakdown

Building a Sustainable Community in the Digital Age Mark highlights how early attempts at building online communities failed due to limited technology and the isolated platforms brands created. 

With the evolution of social platforms like Slack and Discord, community building has become more fluid and integrated into modern life.

Community as the Future of Marketing Mark explains how he foresaw community becoming a critical component of future marketing strategies, especially in his book Marketing Rebellion

This insight led him to expand on the idea, culminating in his latest book. 

He emphasizes that customers today seek more authentic human connections, not traditional advertising.

The Myth of Large Communities A common misconception is that successful communities must be huge to thrive. 

Mark debunks this myth, sharing that smaller, highly engaged groups—often under 500 people—offer the best opportunities for meaningful interaction and growth. This revelation can change how you approach community building for your coworking space or business.

Organic Growth Through Shared Value Mark explains that the most influential communities grow through advocacy rather than advertising. 

By providing members with value, like expert guest speakers, they are motivated to share their experiences, which organically brings in new members.

Word of Mouth vs. SEO for Coworking Spaces While SEO and advertising play their roles, Mark reinforces the power of word-of-mouth advocacy, particularly for small, community-driven businesses like coworking spaces. 

Authentic, human-led growth creates more potent, more sustainable communities.

Who Owns Your Brand? In a discussion about brand ownership, Mark suggests that while businesses can guide their brand's image, a brand is ultimately shaped by what others say about it. 

Consistent, value-driven engagement is crucial in shaping this narrative positively.

The Role of Personal Branding For small businesses, Mark emphasizes that building a personal brand is crucial to starting a community. 

A personal brand based on trust allows people to connect with the leader, becoming the foundation for the wider community.

Links & Resources

Closing Remarks

Remember, the strength of our communities lies in our collective efforts and shared values.

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It also helps people in the general public and your neighbourhood understand coworking, how it can benefit their local community, and how it can benefit them in building their careers, projects, and work. 

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🎙️Coworking Values Podcast
Coworking Values Podcast
Welcome to Coworking Values the podcast of the European Coworking Assembly.
Each week we deep dive into one of the values of accessibility, community, openness, collaboration and sustainability. Listen in to learn how these values can make or break Coworking culture.